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Lowering the Gangplank: How Writing Songs Relates to Templating

Sunday 2:20 PM–2:50 PM in Goldfields Theatre

Templating is awesome! It makes automation easier and takes away a lot of the tedious work required to maintain and build new things. Now, what if I told you that the way we utilise templates is somewhat similar to how songs are written? In this talk I will lower the proverbial gangplank from our templating ship as we cross over into the land of song writing and discover how these two concepts are linked.

See this talk and many more by getting your ticket to PyCon AU now!

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This talk will including me singing live on stage and audience participation will be encouraged!

Chelsea Finnie She/her They/them • @chelsea@cloudisland.nz

Chelsea is a Network DevOps Engineer working at REANNZ. She is also a committee member of Python New Zealand (NZPUG) and is heavily involved with this year's Kiwi PyCon. She's passionate about automation, just making things easy for yourself, and thinks Python is just great in a lot of ways for so many different things.