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Who tests the testers? Making and testing pipelines

Friday 1:20 PM–1:50 PM in Goldfields Theatre

Part of the DevOops: Learning from Failure specialist track

You likely have a good pipeline that either runs tests, lints, or deployments for your project.

But when it comes to changing that pipeline, how sure are you that it works before taking those changes live?

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In this talk, we'll explore why it doesn't have to be the case that "there's no devops for devops".

We'll give a quick run down of what pipelines are, and why they should be used, before we give an example where it can be hard to know whether making changes to a gitlab pipeline will fail, and why that can be the case.

Then, we'll showcase tools that can be used for testing, creating, and simulating pipelines, so you too can setup a system to always be sure that your pipeline changes won't cause any water damage.

Evan Kohilas

Evan is a Senior Software Engineer whose passions lie in improving the developer experience by enhancing code health, optimising workflows, and working towards nohumanerrors.com

When he's not thinking about security, informatics, or giving talks about his many projects, you'll find him nomming on Subway cookies, or chasing bunny rabbits.