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Django, REST and OpenAPI - a gentle introduction

Sunday 1:00 PM–1:30 PM in Eureka 2

Django is an all-parts-included framework that is one of the most popular ways of building a website in Python. But for many websites that's not enough - we also need a REST-based API with an OpenAPI specification so that other programs can read and work with our data. This talk will cover the Python packages that can provide these facilities and how to integrate them into your existing website.

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This talk will primarily cover two packages: - django-rest-framework, or 'DRF' for short, for providing a REST API - drf-spectacular, for providing an OpenAPI schema for that API It will include real world examples for how these things work and attendees can also try out the REST interface and OpenAPI schema the talk is based on.

Paul Wayper He/Him or E/Eir • @paulway@aus.social

Paul is a six-foot tall ape descendant and nobody is currently trying to drive a bypass through his home. He works for an open source company, and in his spare time he maintains web sites, rides an electric motorbike, teaches Irish Set Dancing, plays the piano, reads science fiction and fantasy, 3D prints, and collects esoteric hobbies.